The old advertising slogan about a diamond being forever is true – and that is one of the most significant reasons why selecting the right diamond is so important. A quality diamond is not only beautiful beyond compare, it is also an investment that will last a lifetime and beyond to the next generation. Let us help you choose a diamond that you or your loved one will always love and be proud to wear.

What’s in a Diamond?
A diamond is made from tiny atoms of carbon that have been compressed under extreme pressure from the weight of the earth over a long period of time. These small items bond tightly together, making diamonds one of the hardest substances on earth. And because of the extreme amount of pressure and time required, diamonds are rare. They are also heat resistant and have a very high melting or vaporization point. That is a scientific description of a diamond. From an aesthetic point of view, diamonds are simply beautiful. The way they shimmer in the light is imitated but unmatched by any other substance. But what really makes diamonds so important is that their scientific and aesthetic qualities create the perfect metaphor for an ideal romantic love – bonded tightly together, resistant to the pressures and fires of daily living, and bringing light and beauty into the lives of the lovers.
Characteristics of Diamonds
A carat is the term used for measuring the size of a diamond, but it is actually a measurement of the weight of a diamond, not the width or length. A carat’s weight is .007 ounces, or .2 grams in the metric system. Since large, quality diamonds are much rarer than smaller ones, a larger diamond can be much more expensive than a smaller one. A diamond that is twice the size of another diamond will cost much more than twice the price. However, since diamonds come in different shapes and cuts, it is possible to choose a diamond that appears larger due to being wider across the top.
Diamonds come in many different cuts and shapes: round, princess, oval, cushion, emerald, heart, marquise, pear, and radiant, baguette, rose, brilliant, and French cut. To a jeweler, cut and shape are not exactly the same thing, since shape refers to the cut of the outer shape of the diamond, and cut refers to not only the outer shape but also the style of the actual cuts of the individual facets. For someone choosing a diamond, the outer shape of the diamond is usually one of the primary considerations.
Personal preference is the main factor in choosing. However, some stones are also easier to find settings for than others – for example, round stones fit more easily into more popular settings. Both the outer shape and the way the facets are cut can affect the reflectiveness and the appearance of color in the diamond. The quality of the cut is another factor in choosing a diamond and in determining its value. The Gemological Institute of America grades diamonds as poor, good or excellent, taking into consideration the diamond’s fire, brightness, and scintillation, which means the way it interacts with light and sparkles. But the most important thing is that you love the way it shines.
Clarity is another factor that affects your stone’s appearance and value. Diamonds are not usually perfect. A perfect, or flawless, diamond is very rare. Flaws on the surface of a diamond are called blemishes. Flaws within the diamond are called inclusions. Inclusions can be caused by any material that was trapped within the diamond when it was forming – even gases or separate diamond particles can create inclusions.
An inclusion can also be a tiny fracture within the diamond. Large inclusions that are obviously visible even without microscopic tools can significantly decrease the beauty and value of the diamond. These inclusions will keep the diamond from being able to reflect light as brilliantly as a clearer diamond will do and will be dull. However, very small inclusions that are difficult to see will not detract from the diamond’s beauty. In fact, since modern technology can create a synthetic diamond that is difficult to distinguish from the real thing, a tiny inclusion or two in a diamond can be a way of showing off the uniqueness and authenticity of that particular diamond.
Diamonds come in several colors; however, the most popular color is the white diamond. White diamonds vary in whiteness, and range from a pure, colorless stone to a stone that is very yellow in appearance. This range can be graded on a scale from D to Z, with D being the whitest and most valuable diamond. Stones in the G to J range are generally considered the overall best value however, since they will still appear very white if they are set in yellow gold. But again, individual preference is the most important thing, especially if you are choosing a diamond that you will be wearing every day.
The setting for your diamond impacts the appearance of your diamond and is an important consideration in the overall selection of your piece. It provides the background for displaying your diamond. Certain stone shapes fit better in some settings than in others, and a perfectly set stone is important to prevent loss of a loose diamond. We can help you choose a setting style and diamond combination that will work well together. In addition to the shape, size and design of the setting, you will also need to choose the color and metal: Stainless steel, silver, yellow gold, white gold or platinum. Cost, skin tone, color of the diamond and coordinating with other pieces you own are some factors you might consider when making this choice.